Monday, October 31, 2011


Davy loved his halloween costume this year.  He wore it for two solid weeks.  "Buzz Wightyear to the wescue!"  (Thanks Marci!)

This button makes you "fly away!"
Audrey fit into Davy's last year costume so we went to a few events as Buzz and Rex from Toy Story.

Obligatory pumpkin patch visit

Super sleepy but happy to have a pumpkin of his own.  
Here he is with his best friend Woody.  They went trick or treating two times and made sure to stick together.  

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The weather has been really great recently so we have had lots of time to play outside.  Here's Davy with his best friend Weston. These two kids play so well together and hang out a lot. We just came in from the park, and Davy spotted Weston playing in his front yard.  The two ran to each other across a whole block.   (first two photos curtesy of Michelle).

How many kids can you fit on a trike?  Two happily...Weston does not look as pleased with the arrangement.  

A big part of our life revolves around this candy shop "Lolly Lolly".  Our favorite park is right next door and we always try and time our park trips so the candy shop is open (for the kids, of course). They have amazing chocolate toffees. Occasionally the candy shop is closed, which is a hard concept for Davy, and for me.  

 But most of time we get a fun treat and head back to the park to play.