Sunday, August 22, 2010

Walking Man

Last week David's walking was limited between the couch and the ottomon. This week he walks everywhere we go--in fact he is now too cool for the cart at the grocery store, and too cool to sit in the stroller--now he has to push. It is amazing to see this little verticle man strolling through the house. He has also found that because I am not holding his hand, I do not always follow him like an oversized shadow. He gets between me and the counter and pushes until I back away, then he continues to push as hard as he can until I reach his desired destination. Then he goes back to playing, it is my job to watch him complete tasks, give an occasional cheer or acknowledgment of talent, and occasionally poke him with things.
Also updated the cooking blog!


Catherine said...

Congrats on the walking! Such a fun stage! I'm glad you're remembering to poke him occasionally.

Angelavon said...

I know...I was amazed when I saw him today at church walking through sunday school holding steven's hand. What a stud! AND your life changes forever!

Derek and Claire said...

What a cutie pie! I can't believe he is walking already. He cannot be contained any longer!

Kim said...

Good job, David! It's hard to believe he's walking.