Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hand-me Down Suit

This little suit is 24 years old.  Marci was smart enough to save it from Stephen's childhood.  It has been so fun to see Davy running around in it.

Davy is picking up words every day now.  Despite heavy coaching he will not say hello or good bye, but these are the words he will say:  "No mama" buzz (lightyear), cookie, costco, avocado, apple, fish, who! (says the owl), choo! (says the train), clock, and "go, go, go".  

We got him a little train set and he spends most of his play time carefully driving his trains around the track.  He gets very worried if the trains derail and pushes them at a cautious snail's pace.  We are finally venturing out after the long, horrible winter.  Davy was delighted to see this frog and I suggested he give it a hug.

He continues to spend an hour or so every day in the kitchen with me.  He holds the pan when I sweep and can successfully throw away the crumbs, he empties the washed silverware into the drawer (in a heap), and does the dishes.  To counter his good deeds he also throws himself on the floor at the slightest no and likes to motion me to stay where I am while he runs off to do something naughty.  


Derek and Claire said...

How adorable is your little man in his suit. That's so fun that it used to be Stephan's. I love that he is so careful with his trains. He has a lot of personality. It sounds like you are teaching him to be a good helper in the kitchen. You are such a good mommy!

Sarah McK said...

What a cute little suit!! He is such an adorable kid!

Michael Bailey said...

Ridiculously cute. You have a determined young man there, who will soon figure out how not to tip his hand when he wants you out of the way as he commits mayhem.

Marci said...

Oh, you have no idea how fun it is for me to see that little suit on David! He looks so handsome and thank you for sharing his vocabulary and favorite activities. What a great job you are doing helping him be a good worker. I love how you tell about his funny moments. This made my week:)