We are excited to have another little boy in our family. Davy needs some more male influence in his playtime. Audrey and her sister direct Davy in a variety of games: cooking, "Little House on the Prairie", and dress up. Davy is a pretty good sport, but sometimes they disagree as to when Buzz should swoop in and destroy the game. Look what happens when you sit down to enjoy a movie--ambushed!
Playing Rapunzel. They usually fight about who gets to be Rapunzel and who is Flynn Rider.
Holding hands at the magic house.
A: "It's my life Davy, it's MY LIFE!
D: "what you talking about?"
repeat two dozen times.
So cute! You have a very dramatic household! It's MY LIFE. Sometimes I want to say that to Derek :).
This is Mimi. Audrey and Davy are adorable even when they are naughty. I love the Rapunzel outfit, but Davy is a little short of hair to carry it off. Also, "What you talking about?" is a pretty apt question for any situation.
I just found your blog! I love the picture of Audrey kissing Davvy! That is so adorable!
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