Things feel like they are settling back into a routine here at home. We are still having sandwiches and cereal for dinner, but we're okay with that. Baby Daniel has been a champion sleeper and has been really chill when he is awake. It has been so fun seeing Davy as a big brother. He talks a lot about his brother and even gives him supporting roles in our pretend games. Daniel fulfills these roles by sleeping in his swing.
He is SO adorable, Glori. I love the picture of Davy holding Daniel. I'm so excited for you to have two awesome boys!
What perfect pictures! I just treasure these so much. You have two beautiful boys and you always make me laugh or smile with your words:)
I am amazed at Davy's inventive imagination for one so young: Pretend games with roles for everyone, including Daniel P! The kid's a genius. But I guess that makes sense, given Mom and Dad.
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