Friday, June 26, 2009

More photos of the boy

Here are a few more pics from the last two weeks. He is now almost three weeks old and getting bigger all the time!

Mom has the magic touch and can calm him, even when he is "apocolyptic baby".

Sleeping on the rug

getting warm

after bathtime

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Presenting David Ethan

The long expected and long over-due David has finally arrived. He made his debut at 9:15 on June 6th weighing in at 6 pounds and 13 ounces, and measuring 21 inches long.

After 36 hours of persistant resistance, they decided to go in after him. He did really well with the C-section and it turned out to be the safest way for him to arrive. He is a pretty content little boy who loves to eat and sleep all day, and eat and play all night. We are all recovering well and learning how to function without sleep. Here he is just minutes after arrival.

Daddy and David

He loves to be swaddled tight- thanks Alex and Catherine for recommending the swaddler.

Here we are, very ready to leave the hospital after being cooped up for 5 days.
