Tuesday, January 4, 2011


We had so much fun this year in Arizona. Davy had a great time getting to know the all of his cousins.

He played at the park with Mikey,

Watched Sleeping Beauty with Jason and Brett,

Opened Christmas presents with Parker and Dallin,  (he is more thrilled than he looks.)

And watched the Nutcracker with Mimi.

During the beautiful weather he played basketball with Spo.

At Thanksgiving he chased Madeleine around her house as the "Hug-Monster".  
We have had a great time hanging out with all the cousins and their parental units. 


Catherine said...

Cute pictures! I'm going to steal the one with Madeleine and Davy.

Kim said...

It was so great to spend time with you and your cute family, Glori! Darling pictures.

Michael Bailey said...

Already the pictures bring back fond memories. Mom and I really appreciate the blogs that all of you maintain, and check frequently for updates on the young princes, the young princess and their respective parental units.

Derek and Claire said...

Hey Glori! I need more pics please! We will have to figure out a way to hang out this summer- I miss you :).