Monday, October 31, 2011


Davy loved his halloween costume this year.  He wore it for two solid weeks.  "Buzz Wightyear to the wescue!"  (Thanks Marci!)

This button makes you "fly away!"
Audrey fit into Davy's last year costume so we went to a few events as Buzz and Rex from Toy Story.

Obligatory pumpkin patch visit

Super sleepy but happy to have a pumpkin of his own.  
Here he is with his best friend Woody.  They went trick or treating two times and made sure to stick together.  


Michael Bailey said...

It's great to see Davy and his friends so happy. Thanks for posting and giving us a window on currrent events at the Olsen ranch.

Derek and Claire said...

He looks so thrilled to be Buzz! I'm glad he had a fun halloween. Miss you guys!

Sarah McK said...

That last picture may be the cutest thing I have ever seen!!! :)

Kim said...

David makes a cute Buzz. He looks so happy. Glad you guys had a great Halloween.