Thursday, February 16, 2012

The dangers of little girls

We are excited to have another little boy in our family.  Davy needs some more male influence in his playtime.  Audrey and her sister direct Davy in a variety of games: cooking, "Little House on the Prairie", and dress up.  Davy is a pretty good sport, but sometimes they disagree as to when Buzz should swoop in and destroy the game.  Look what happens when you sit down to enjoy a movie--ambushed!

 Playing Rapunzel.  They usually fight about who gets to be Rapunzel and who is Flynn Rider.

Holding hands at the magic house. 

Their other favorite activity is arguing in the car.  They follow a few consistent scripts, but my favorite is: D: "look out your window Audrey, I look out mine"
A: "It's my life Davy, it's MY LIFE!
D: "what you talking about?"
repeat two dozen times.


Derek and Claire said...

So cute! You have a very dramatic household! It's MY LIFE. Sometimes I want to say that to Derek :).

Michael Bailey said...

This is Mimi. Audrey and Davy are adorable even when they are naughty. I love the Rapunzel outfit, but Davy is a little short of hair to carry it off. Also, "What you talking about?" is a pretty apt question for any situation.

Matthew and Katherine Kerr said...

I just found your blog! I love the picture of Audrey kissing Davvy! That is so adorable!