Tuesday, September 15, 2015


After six months of crisis mode, we have spent that last three really enjoying our life.  Stephen's schedule has been lighter so we see him more often.  He comes home in time to read with the boys or tell them a space story each night. The boys are playing really well with each other and Glori girl is so cute during the day, I don't even mind getting up way too many times with her.  She is crawling and cruising and working on walking.  Church is crazy because she will not sit on my lap but just wants to crawl around making new friends.  

The boys have been saying such funny things lately, my favorites are:

Danny:  Woah, there is a lot of lunch in my body.

Davy: We are time travelers, we are just moving forward in time.

Danny:  He loves to pretend to be different things and I am instructed to play along.  We have been frogs, termites, kitties, doctors, and most recently logs.  You play logs by laying on the ground and rolling on the carpet.  At some point he always says, "The log loves you!"  or  "The termite loves you!" 

Davy:  Our car was having trouble and he said, "Too bad there's not a man around here...I guess I am a man, but I'm just a little one."

Davy:  I get it!  We believe in God and Buddhists believe in dragons! 

It has been so fun to dress little Glori.  I take a lot of pictures of her to showcase her various outfits.

We went on a fun hike next to the Mississippi river a few weekends ago.  We hiked up to an old Indian cave that was used in the 1800s as a wine cellar. The air was thirty degrees cooler right by the entrance and it extended back for a couple of miles, but it is gated so we didn't get to reenact any Tom Sawyer scenes.  After our hike we stopped to have a picnic by the banks of the river. As we walked down the path to the river we saw a couple of boys walking up without shoes on, it was kind of rocky so I was surprised, however I soon found out why.  I let davy explore a dry river inlet while Stephen and baby went to get the lunch and danny and me spread the blanket.  Pretty soon I heard him shout "Help!"  I looked over and he was sunk up to his knees in the mud about five feet away from the bank.  I ran over to help but quickly got bogged down.  I reached out and lifted him over my head to put him back on the bank and sank even further.  I couldn't move an inch but finally wiggled out of my shoes and leaned back to unsuction my legs from the mud.  I inchwormed my way back to the bank.  Davy said, "That sure was scary quick-mud!"  Stephen came back with lunch five minutes later to find me and Davy barefoot and coated in mud with a story to tell.

We have also have really enjoyed the back yard.  Stephen and I made a small fire pit for the back yard thinking it would be so fun to use in the fall.  Now the mosquitos have finally died we are enjoying it more.  We have a fire every week and of course make smores and eat tons of "marshpillows".
I have also put in about 30 hours cleaning up our front yard.  I planted some new plants and fixed the edging.  It looks a lot better, especially because we had such a small budget for the project.


glorianne said...

Such cute pictures! And I love the comments the boys make! Children have a fresh take on everything. I miss them and all of you! Thanks for the update. I love to see what you are doing.

Derek and Claire said...

I love the boy's funny quotes. Davy is very smart and insightful! We read that same berenstain bears book weekly! Baby Glori is the cutest little thing. I love her pretty eyes and adorable smile. I'm glad you made it through the quick mud and your front lawn looks great. Thanks for posting pics- I love to see what you are up to.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful descriptions of what you have been doing. It is so fun to see the pictures--you always take the best pictures. I love to read about what the boys are saying and all the adventures. Did you ever get your shoes back out of the mud LOL?!! I love how you are able to find the time to be together and do as much as you do! I have no idea how you find the time to work in the yard but the pics look great! Can't wait to visit! Love you all, Marci